Straight Forward Dressage Facebook and Instagram page

Keep up to date with the latest news and happenings around SFD at the Straight Forward Dressage Facebook page and/or our Straight Forward Dressage Instagram page.

Facebook Training
Discussion group

Hosted by Ange Bean of Straight Forward Dressage and Kelly McGinn of Kelly McGinn Dressage, the Straight Forward Dressage Training Dicussion Group is here to help each other with the real nuts-and-bolts of training. This sport is hard, and this is our attempt to have us help each other through the hard stuff. This is a safe, friendly, but still real discussion on what it takes to develop a competitive dressage horse.

Trainer Talks

Ever wanted to ask a dressage trainer how they do what they do? Now you can! Join Kelly McGinn and Ange Bean every other Tuesday in cyberspace where you can get all of your training questions answered. Every other week we cover a new topic. For more information, text TRAINERTALKS to 22828.