Gilda Excellence Award

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Excellence pins…

If your ride totally rocks, but Miss MoneyBags shows up riding Mr. Olympic Retiree and blows the scores out of the water, your ride still deserves an award.  So here's what we came up with: 

Certain movements really show off the horse's training.  Seriously, any horse, regardless of talent, if ridden correctly, can get a high score on these movements.  If you nail those movements and the judge gives you an 8, you get to wear Gilda, our sassy red mare logo, on your lapel (or wherever you decide to put the pin).   If you get another 8, you get another pin.  Heck, by the end of the season, your show coat could be covered.  The movements that will get you those incredible I-totally-rock-as-a-dressage-trainer pins are:

  • Any rider score in the collectives

  • All halts

  • Free walk (this is a little the horse, but you have to be be tactful to pull it off in public)

  • Stretchy trot circle

  • Giving one or both reins in canter